ches Applications

Applications for VCE subjects and Higher Education Studies through CHES have closed for 2023 enrolments.

Applications for 2024 enrolment will re-open in July 2023.

The application form for VCE or HES can be found on the following page. Note that there is a separate form for applications to study a VCE subject at CHES and to study a Higher Education Study (HES) through CHES. 

Here is the full CHES 2023 Higher Education Studies Handbook. This is a two-page summary Overview of all CHES Higher Education Studies and Prerequisites.

Here is the CHES 2024 VCE Studies Handbook (Algorithmics, Extended Investigation, English Language and Specialist Mathematics).


Eligibility requirements


Enrolment at a Victorian government school

For students to be considered for a CHES program (HES or a VCE subject) current enrolment in a Victorian government school is required.

Further, where a student may already have a dual enrolment that reaches across the government, Catholic or independent school sectors, the student must be undertaking the majority of their studies at the government school. For example, if a student is currently enrolled in an independent school where the majority of their VCE studies are being completed but is also undertaking a subject through Virtual School Victoria or the Victorian School of Languages, this student would not be considered eligible for participation in a CHES program.

Students must maintain their enrolment in a Victorian government school (as their main school) for the duration of their course at CHES. Students who do not maintain their enrolment in a Victorian government school may be ineligible to continue their studies, or additional payment may be sought to fund their participation. The CHES principal will determine the most suitable approach in such a situation.

Principal’s approval

For students to be considered for a CHES program, the express support of their base school principal (or delegate) must be provided at the time of application. Students will not be considered eligible for consideration without this confirmation. This confirmation is captured in the submission of the student’s application on the part of the school.

Nominated School Supervisor

A member of staff at the student’s base school must be nominated as their school supervisor. The nomination will be at the base school principal’s discretion. The name and contact details of the school supervisor must be provided at the time of application. At the time of application, the student’s base school must demonstrate a willingness to actively support and/or supervise students during times of virtual learning and undertaking independent work tasks (an expected minimum of 50 hours per unit to align with VCAA requirements for a VCE study). In paragraphs below you will find details for the role of the school supervisor and financial support available to base schools through the Student Resource Package (SRP) in recognition of the support provided to the student’s CHES studies. This will provide clarity in expectations so that principals may make an informed decision about who is best placed to be nominated as a student’s school supervisor.

The Department of Education and Training’s Student Enrolment Census Policy – time fraction assessment provides guidance on the calculation of the SRP when a student is enrolled at more than one school.

Maximum subject enrolments

Students will not be restricted from participating in more than one CHES course per year, however it will not be recommended.

Students interested in undertaking a VCE subject and a Higher Education Studies course through CHES must submit in writing a request to the CHES principal to outline their reasons for doing so. This should accompany their application.

To ensure equity of opportunities, students will not be permitted to undertake more than one Higher Education Studies unit per semester through CHES.

International students

International students in government schools may apply to access VCE subjects through CHES. 

Eligibility of Year 10 students and below

CHES courses are designed for senior secondary students (i.e., Year 11 or Year 12 students). Applications to undertake a CHES course from students in Year 10 or below will only be considered in exceptional circumstances, on a case-by-case basis.

To grant an exceptional admission for a student in Year 10 or below, the CHES principal will need to be of the opinion that the student’s base school has taken all reasonable measures to provide the individual student with a pathway and learning opportunities within or through the school (including subject advancement, differentiation and enrichment opportunities through the Student Excellence Program or other relevant initiatives) prior to applying to undertake a course at CHES.

The student’s base school principal must be supportive of the student’s application and will need to acknowledge that they have considered and discussed with the student and their parent/carer the impact of participating in a CHES course on the student’s academic and social needs as well as the student’s program/timetable and pathway. The CHES principal may liaise with the base school principal to discuss potential issues with logistical arrangements and an application may be denied on this basis. For such cases, the student has the option to reapply in subsequent years.

Applications will re-open in july 2024 for 2025 ches programs.

Enrolment Information

CHES is where minds open, ideas happen, knowledge grows, and potential is realised.



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