Supporting your head start to uni

At CHES, we know that orientation and transition play a vital role in connecting students to university and creating a genuine sense of belonging among high-achieving peers.

CHES will play a vital role in supporting students from all walks of life across Victorian government schools to transition to university through our head-start programs, enrichment series and mentoring, and our team of dedicated staff. 

The orientation program is informed by the latest research into student transition and belonging to guide students to achieve academic success, develop robust relationships and lasting connections, pursue their interests and passions, immerse themselves in meaningful experiences, and challenge themselves.

Regardless of where in Victoria students join us from, their background or their mode of study with us, here at CHES we’ll proudly hold a space for each of our students as members of our growing state-wide community of high-achieving students.

Each element of our transition program is informed by clear aims and principles. 

The aims of our orientation program are to:

  • enable CHES students to feel welcomed into university studies
  • build the confidence of CHES students to engage with the variety of opportunities available at university through our Student Enrichment Series
  • support students to develop the skills and attributes needed to succeed in the transition to academic studies at university
  • make students aware that seeking guidance and support are a normal part of personal development and support them to identify when and how to seek help, and build their confidence in doing so
  • foster and encourage student voice to guide new students through their introduction to university life and involve them in the development and refinement of programs
  • enable academics to connect students with opportunities in their subject discipline, prepare students for discipline-specific academic success and introduce students to emerging fields.

CHES aims to strengthen tertiary pathways for students.

Enrolment Information

CHES is where minds open, ideas happen, knowledge grows, and potential is realised.

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