Hy-flex learning through CHES

CHES is expanding access to Higher Education Studies (HES) for high-achieving senior secondary students in government schools around the state. We offer VCE Algorithmics, VCE Extended Investigation, VCE English Language, VCE Specialist Mathematics and over 20 Higher Education Studies (first year university subjects that students can take in Year 12) through hybrid online and on-site learning options and greater flexibility in the scheduling of programs to accommodate senior students from around Victoria.

Flexibility in scheduling

Our hy-flex approach to delivery enables all students, whether co-located on-site or engaging remotely, to actively participate in synchronous learning opportunities. We aim to offer students a degree of choice in the timing of  their CHES VCE studies for ‘best-fit’ with the rest of their VCE program. To foster flexibility, some lessons at CHES are available outside the standard school hours.

To help students fit Higher Education studies in with their overall VCE program, universities deliver programs in a variety of ways. Students will remain enrolled at their chosen government secondary school and can undertake a study at CHES as part of their VCE program. This blended approach means that at times HES may be delivered on site at our Centre and at other times there will be seminars and excursions to the university campus, and there will be online learning access each step of the way.

Active Learning

Active participation is key. All students have access lesson content and engage in classes activities whether online or on-site. Together with the university staff, we promote and expect active participation of all students and genuine engagement in activities between students on-site and online. As such, our hy-flex delivery model is mediated through the extensive technology installed and embedded within the CHES facility. This supports students to access the program online and successfully participate in our subjects and programs.

For reference, the Department of Education has established a toolkit to support students who are accessing learning online here: 

Victorian Online Learning Toolkit

The toolkit includes 6 sections that provide students with:

  • insight into the benefits and challenges of virtual learning
  • tips and strategies to stay focused and motivated
  • supporting resources on health and wellbeing, and post-school pathways.

University excursions and seminars

At CHES we know that students benefit greatly from the opportunity to attend on-site at the university campus to access specialist facilities and get to know universities students and staff. This is a key feature of many of the Higher Education Studies we offer and is expected to boost the preparedness of students for transition to full-time tertiary study in the following years. Students and families should note that visits to universities will normally be unsupervised excursions and students will be expected to independently make their way to and from those programs as responsible young adults.

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CHES is where minds open, ideas happen, knowledge grows, and potential is realised.

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