ches governance

The CHES School Council is comprised of the following members:

  • CHES Principal
  • Elected CHES staff member
  • Principals (or their nominees) of each of the 5 Foundation Network of Schools
  • Partner university representatives (x 3)
  • Students undertaking a CHES program (x 2)
  • Parents of students that are undertaking a CHES program (x 3)

The CHES council has numerous important functions and powers, including:

  • Establishment of the broad direction and vision of CHES
  • Development, monitoring and endorsement of the strategic plan
  • Approval of annual budgets and monitoring expenditure
  • General oversight over the CHES facility and grounds
  • Reports annually to the CHES community and to the Department of Education & Training
  • Promotion of CHES in the wider community
  • Development and review of CHES policies that fall within the school council's responsibilities.
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